The City is developing a Long Term Waste Management Strategy for the next 30 – 50 years to find new ways to look after our waste. The Waste Strategy will recommend waste management policies and programs, including how to manage the garbage remaining after reducing, reusing, recycling, and composting.
Keep up with project updates and public consultation opportunities by visiting the project website or subscribing to the email listserve.
Robyn Shyllit
Sr. Public Consultation Coordinator
City of Toronto
Email updates:
Comment Line: 416-392-3760
Twitter: @GetInvolvedTO #TOWasteStrategy
TTY: 416-338-0338
Fax: 416-392-2974
Email updates:
Comment Line: 416-392-3760
Twitter: @GetInvolvedTO #TOWasteStrategy
TTY: 416-338-0338
Fax: 416-392-2974