What’s On at the Evergreen Brickworks
Construction Update
Dear Neighbours,
We are pleased to confirm we are moving into the final few weeks of construction and remaining efforts will focus on revitalizing the space around the junction and along Old Pottery Road.
Crews recently installed the new junction wall and have completed grading the perimeter of the junction. The equipment and trailer that was stored at the bottom of our temporary construction road has now been removed, and crews will also begin grading and preparing this area for restoration. To enhance the visual quality of our facility, over the next few weeks our landscaping contractor will begin planting a variety of tree species as per the landscape designs.
During the week of June 20, we will be required to access the junction via Bayview Heights Drive for two days, as landscaping will be in its final stages and the access road will no longer be available for use. Throughout these days we will remove the remaining old equipment and structures. A crane will be on-site to complete this work and a flat-bed truck will be used to transport the old equipment off site.
This will conclude construction activities at Bayview Junction, a significant milestone in completing the Midtown Project and ensuring Toronto Hydro customers continue to receive an adequate and reliable supply of electricity.
To show our appreciation and thank you for your patience while we’ve worked in your neighbourhood, we would like to invite you to a Community Appreciation Event on Thursday, June 23 at 6:30 p.m. Please see the attached invite for more details.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
Dana Gardner
Community Relations Officer, Public Affairs
Hydro One Networks Inc.
483 Bay Street
Toronto, ON | M5G 2P5
Direct Line: 416.345.6729
Community Relations Line: 416.345.6799