Author's Posts

The North Rosedale Residents’ Association is pleased to extend to you and all your RA members an invitation 10 days out to join Rosedale residents at a community skating party at Rosedale Park rink . . this is the last day the rink will be open and the weather forecast looks fine.
What:  Rosedale Twilight Skating Party
Hosts:  North Rosedale Residents’ Association
When: Sunday Feb. 22, 4-6pm
Where: Rosedale Park rink
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Thank you again for taking the time to join us at the Public Information Centre at Bennington Heights Elementary School to meet with members of our project team. We were pleased to discuss the junction design change and review landscaping possibilities with members of the community. Below is a brief summary of the session, that we invite you to share with other community members who were unable to attend.


As part of the Midtown project, Hydro One held a Public Information Centre (PIC) for residents near Bayview Junction on Saturday, February 7, 2015. The focus of this PIC was to discuss the new Junction design change and obtain preliminary feedback on what residents would like to see incorporated into the landscaping plan.   Members of Hydro One’s project team were available to answer questions on the project. Throughout the session, there was a lot of discussion around landscaping possibilities with some attendees expressing an interest to participate in the landscaping committee. Some of the feedback we received on landscaping elements residents would like to see incorporated into the plan included:


  • Keeping the area rustic looking and returning it to its natural looking state
  • Creating walking trails to accommodate pedestrians, runners and dog walkers
  • Incorporating a mixture of different types of trees including evergreen and deciduous trees


With respect to the junction design change, during the session, it was requested that representatives from Hydro One sit down with a few members of the community to discuss the new design in detail. As a result, we committed to an executive review of the options considered for the junction by our engineering team. Once this has been completed, we agreed to meet again with community members to walk them through the options considered.  Additionally, a few residents expressed their frustration in the delay of the project and raised concerns about EMF levels.


Overall, we received positive feedback from many attendees who conveyed that they felt the session was informative.  I have attached a copy of the handouts that were distributed including the feedback form that we encourage you to share with those who are interested in providing feedback on landscape elements they would like to see or participating in the committee.


We anticipate that landscaping committee can meet this spring to begin discussions and develop a plan.


Looking forward to working with you all.


Thank you,



Marylena Stea

Public Affairs

Hydro One Networks Inc

483 Bay Street

Toronto, ON M5G 2P5


Tel: 416-345-5706

Cell: 647-531-7388

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On Saturday, February 7 there is a drop-in information session at Bennington Heights Elementary School. Drop in anytime between 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for a Public Information Centre. At the session we have preliminary information about landscaping as well as an update on the schedule and design plans for Bayview Junction.

Marylena Set
Public Affairs
Hydro One Networks Inc.
483 Bay Street
Toronto, ON M5G 2P5

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